Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder citizenship education


The Centre for Training and Lifelong Learning (K.E.DI.VI.M) of the University of Crete organizes a course with the title: Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder citizenship education.

The purpose of the specific training program is to offer the trainees the knowledge so that they can come into contact with the field of Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder democratic citizenship education in cutting-edge research and theoretical approaches in the context of modern trends and considerations relating to critical digital citizen/citizenship, education for all, extracurricular activities, migrant students and global migration, modern digital skills and basic values and concepts relating to the crisis in education and sustainable development, social justice and teacher education, collaboration skills and backpack citizens, sustaining pedagogy, the role of the Art, as well as the e-citizen and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence. The aim of the program is for the trainees to acquire the necessary knowledge, techniques and skills and problematic that will be applauded, which concern the above mentioned area, that is Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder citizenship education in the 21st century.

Τhe programme will be conducted by Asynchronous Distance Learning

The official language of the seminar is English

Application deadline: 20 August 2024

For more details please visit the program’s website.

Python and Machine Learning

Python and Machine Learning

  The Centre for Training and Lifelong Learning (K.E.DI.VI.M) of the University of Crete organizes course with title: «Python and Machine...